The platform system is designed to reward the best thoughts, ideas, or most active supporters on the topic of future-environment-prosperity once a year. Authors will receive Industrial Tokens™ (iTos™) as follows:
• the first-ranked author will receive 100 iTos,
• the second-ranked author will receive 50 iTos,
• and the third-ranked author will receive 30 iTos.
Everyone else who contributes their “good vibes” will also be rewarded. To be exact – the first 100,000 authors who write supportive thoughts, ideas, or perform some useful action on behalf of We4Next Nation™, will receive iTos™.
Each of them will receive three iTos™ to keep and monitor their value on Online Industrial Exchange™ or to sell them*. The first kind of Industrial Tokens™ they will receive are the ones from the Project Project Phoenix8 – this will be the first project listed on OIX™ – called PP8 iTo™.
We will repeat this same procedure for each new project when listed on the OIX™ exchange. When a new project releases Industrial Tokens™, we will invite the community to support the project with “good vibes.” The first 100,000 who will submit their thoughts on the topic of future-environment-prosperity will receive a few iTos™ of this new project.
At the end of every year, we will select the most active supporters or the most important thoughts and reward the authors with 100, 50, or 30 iTos™.
* Some rules and conditions might appear. If this is the case, we will notify all participants and/or token-holders on time.