I want clean the planet, push the industry towards higher standards, and make lifes more prosperely for mass. Naive, bold, reckless or just unpossible?

Want to share and be part of the vision? Now you can reshape the industry, create a new future, balance the planet, and cause sustainability. 

The platform that unites all towards the same goal: higher fairness, environment, community responsibility, and active, smart global warming reduction. 

It’s all about a higher, GLOBAL GOAL… And a better life. We are all here …tune the future, change the…

Do you want to share a green vision and be a part of a massive global movement? Now you can reshape the industry, create a new future, balance the planet, and cause sustainability. Green-deal for all, on a whole new level.

We are We4Next Nation™. A community of like-minded, green future and breakthrough technologies-oriented people. Not only do we think similarly and want to share their vision about a green future, but you can also exchange your energy for money*. 

* For more information, click here. 


Help to clean the planet while keeping your lifestyle untouched

The entire Themis Ecosystem™ is designed to enable people to become more community responsible, help to clean the planet, and share the financial gain–while keeping their usual lifestyle untouched. 

We4Next Nation™ enables this. It also unites everyone towards the same goal: higher fairness, environment, community responsibility, and active, smart global warming reduction. 

We are not like any other community out there, we have developed range of tools. We are aware of our planet, responsibility, and also ourselves. We want to live a good life…but contribute to preserving the planet as well. 

But the good life is not about giving up great things that make our days. We want a fair green deal. For all. 


Some people want to contribute to nature conservation and a greener future but don’t have the time or don’t want to be actively involved in physical activities. 

If you are one of them, you don’t need to do almost anything–but you will still protect nature and actively contribute to the reduction of the largest global-warming pollutant, CO2 gas. You also don’t need to buy Industrial Tokens™; you can earn them as repayment for your “good vibes.”

By simply casting a good thought on the topic of “Environment and Future”, you will be rewarded with iTos™. Studies show that an adult generates about 100W of energy per day. Writing a nice, uplifting thought takes some time and energy. We respect your time and appreciate you for that–so we want to reward you with the appropriate number of Industrial Tokens™.

By owning iTo™, you are already actively contributing to a greener planet. Each iTo™ contains two factors that are linked to the Global Cause-Effect Environmental Coherence Overview™ system. They show how much CO2 you have reduced globally and personally just by owning iTokens™.

Industrial Tokens™ also have a real value in US dollars so you can sell them on the Online Industrial Exchange™. Or keep them. That way, you will have bigger and bigger value in your hands and thus contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse CO2 gas more and more. 

Also, the three best thoughts will be chosen once a year and all three contributors of “good vibes” will be rewarded with additional iTo™. 

What to expect in the future

The We4Next Nation movement is also charity-oriented. We have plenty of ideas about how to make this planet a better place. We would like to support efforts to improve the lives of people in need, animals in need, and the planet.

In this regard, we will provide charitable assistance and collect contributions. We will also organize various prize games, auctions of valuable items, accept donations, and the like. 100% of the money raised will go to those in need.


Earn Money By Being Just Cool

The platform system is designed to reward the best thoughts, ideas, or most active supporters on the topic of future-environment-prosperity once a year. Authors will receive Industrial Tokens™ (iTos™) as follows: 

• the first-ranked author will receive 100 iTos, 

• the second-ranked author will receive 50 iTos, 

• and the third-ranked author will receive 30 iTos.

Everyone else who contributes their “good vibes” will also be rewarded. To be exact – the first 100,000 authors who write supportive thoughts, ideas, or perform some useful action on behalf of We4Next Nation™, will receive iTos™. 

Each of them will receive three iTos™ to keep and monitor their value on Online Industrial Exchange™ or to sell them*. The first kind of Industrial Tokens™ they will receive are the ones from the Project Project Phoenix8 – this will be the first project listed on OIX™ – called PP8 iTo™.

We will repeat this same procedure for each new project when listed on the OIX™ exchange. When a new project releases Industrial Tokens™, we will invite the community to support the project with “good vibes.” The first 100,000 who will submit their thoughts on the topic of future-environment-prosperity will receive a few iTos™ of this new project.

At the end of every year, we will select the most active supporters or the most important thoughts and reward the authors with 100, 50, or 30 iTos™.

* Some rules and conditions might appear. If this is the case, we will notify all participants and/or token-holders on time. 


What’s Going On

We gathered the latest news about our charity work on our common media news channel. You can share or comment on your ideas and viewpoints about nature, the future, prosperity, and charity…and get rewarded with iTokens, of course!

The We4Next Nation™ consists of three groups of people, breathing as one. The first group consists of the Themis Ecosystem™ creators and partners, leading by our visionary, Roberto Hroval. The second group is formed by active supporters of selected green projects who have bought Industrial Tokens™.  In the third group are other supporters who are not directly connected to any of the first two groups. 

It doesn’t matter which group you belong to. In We4Next Nation™, we are all the same–open to share, help, and spread the voice. 

If you want to join us, send us a message via our contact form. We will let you know what to do next. By the way, joining We4Next Nation™ is free for everybody. We do accept donations–that go 100% to those in need–but they are not obligatory.

We gathered the latest news about our charity work on our common media news channel. You can share or comment on your ideas and viewpoints about nature, the future, prosperity, and charity…and get rewarded with iTokens, of course!


Let’s change the future, together!


Let’s change the future, together!