Product Reincarnation Technology™, the heart of PP8™, is an innovative, well-tested, two-stage process for transforming waste into goods. “Partial reincarnation” (1st stage) or “Complete reincarnation” (2nd stage) can be executed. By getting input materials for a low price and selling HQ products for a market price, Project PHOENIX8 is highly profitable. The technology was built and well tested by long-term endurance tests and set to run for the next decades at least, with no significant adjustments. In the last decade of developing and testing, we financed and successfully finished three development stages, as shown in the photos below.
More than 98% of waste is monetized, with no emissions whatsoever. Unique operations are represented by five innovative elements: Catalyst system for gen-set exhaust intake • Inner catalyst system with a molecular SOx and NOx degradation salt contact-spray • All-in-one closed-loop system • A computing all-in-one contacting times • A final condenser chamber all gas-to-liquid H2O.
Annually, one 2.000 m2 (21,500 ft2) process line alone performs 50.000 mt of CO2 gas reduction in the environment (LCA), electric power production up to 60 GWh, high-added-value by $602 US per mt of a tire and $431 US per mt of plastic wastes.
Below: successfully finished Alpha, Beta, and Final/Industrial scale PP8™ technology R&D (2009-2019)
(PRT™) basic requirements are not easy to achieve for most companies because the process has to contribute to a lower CO2 impact confirmed by Life Cycle Assessment. These must be achieved by: (1) Zero waste; (2) No environmental emissions; (3) Energy balance utilization >85%; (4) Economic utilization >98%; (5) Silent process <60dB; (6) Self-sufficient support; (7) Positive and pleasant visual impact (no junk-like storage); (8) Data verification of exit products by a licensed authority.
More,, Stanford, Washington Herald
Project PHOENIX8™, built on PRT™ technology, is a global leader among all solution providers. Choosing PP8™ assures not only the biggest high-added economic value, more favorable ROI, and lower investment risk but also long-term project growth and expansion. With five patents and zero-emission technology, PP8™ declares the future waste management model.
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The core blueprints for the facility, the layout of departments, and other required details are represented below. It is well-prepared and suitable for all markets and mass expansion.